Bridlechase FarmActive |
bc_proofs |
Bennett EQ ProductionsActive |
Code Four Show Stables Design 1Active |
Gunpowder Ranch Design 1Active |
Daryl's DucksActive |
Carrigaholt StablesActive |
Gator Colligate CattlewomenActive |
Gunpowder Ranch Design 2Inactive Design |
Gunpowder Ranch Design 3Inactive Design |
Code Four Show Stables Design 2Inactive Design |
Code Four Show Stables Design 3Inactive Design |
Business Card Designs
These business cards are personal designs I created for equine facilities I have association with and clubs I hold membership to.
*Active Business Cards: Bridlechase Farm, BennettEQProductions, Gator Collegiate CattleWomen, Gunpowder Ranch card 1, Code Four Show Stables Card 1, Daryl's Ducks, Carrigaholt
*Inactive Business Card Designs: Gunpowder Ranch cards 2 and 3, Code Four Show Stables cards 2 and 3
Bridlechase Farm Flier |
BF Available Horses Flier Design 1 |
Daniel Murphy Baseball Camp Flier |
Ropin' in the Swamp Flier Design 1 |
GCCW Beef Dinner 2016 Flier |
UF Sale in the Swamp Flier 1Also used as cover for sale catalog |
UF Sale in the Swamp Flier 2 |
GCCW Can Roundup Flier (B&W) |
GCCW Can Roundup Flier (Color) |
GCCW What's You Beef Flier Design 1 |
GCCW What's You Beef Flier Design 2 |
These fliers are personal designs I created for equine facilities, equine trainers, clubs, and events.
Proverbs 21:31 Equestrian Logo |
Jensen Beach Animal Hospital Logo |
Carrigaholt Stables |
BennettEQProductions Logo |
Bridlechase Farm Logo |
Roma's Pizza Recreated Logo |
Daryl's Duck Logo |
Ropin' in the Swamp Logo |
What's Your Beef Logo |
Field Hunters Inc Logo |
Logo Designs
These logos are personal designs I created for equine facilities, clubs, and personal endevors.
*Active Logos: Bridlechase Farm, Proverbs 21:31 Equestrian, BennettEQProductions, Field Hunters Inc., What's Your Beef 2016, UF Ropin' in the Swamp 2016, Roma's Pizza (recreated design), Daryl's Ducks, Carrigaholt
Whiticar Rack Card |
Gunpowder 1/2 page ad |
Gunpowder 1/2 page ad |
Gunpowder trainer ad |
Gunpowder trainer ad |
Gunpowder trainer ad |
Gunpowder lesson voucher |
GCCW Post Card |
GCCW Beef Dinner Invite |
Roipn' in the Swamp T-shirt |
Ray Kempfer Shirt |
Ads, Postcards, Invitations, Programs
Theses ads, postcards, invitations and programs are personal designs I created for equine facilities, equine trainers, clubs, and events.
These t-shirts were designed for events held by the Univerity of Florida's Block and Bridle Club
Catalog cover and photo editing for University of Floirda Sale in the Swamp 2016
Websites FB IG
Yearbook Ad |
Yearbook Ad |
Yearbook Ad |
Save the Date |
Wedding Invite |
Response Cards |
Bridal Shower |
Wedding Invites |
Personal Projects
These projects were done for close freinds and do not represent typical work produced by BennettEQProducions. However, I felt compelled to share to show the range of our design possibilities.
UF Sale in the Swamp |
UF Wish For The Best |
Welcome to Bridlechase Farm |
Grace |
Ranger |
Promotional and sale videos for horses.
Florida Cattle Identification |
The Team |
Slogan and Logo |
Fact Sheet |
Florida Cattle Identification
I was the research director for the Florida Cattle Identification Campaign Team. This campaign was designed for Florida Department of Agriculure and Consumer Services' Division of Animal Industy's Cattle Identification Rule through a course offered at the Universtiy of Florida. The campaign was presented by our entire team to members of the DAI on April 21, 2015.
Horse Name SignJust Sayin' |
Horse Name SignDon Toroo |
Horse Name SignGraffiti |
Horse Name SignGolden Ticket |
Horse Name SignFaccia Bella |
Horse Name SignLuna Clara |
Horse Name SignCruella de Vil |
Horse Name SignBrandenburg |
Horse Name SignJust Sayin' |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingGift |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
PaintingPersonal |
Oringinal paintings.
Horse name signs are used on stalls at horse shows.
Other paintings are either for personal display or were given as gifts.